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Libraries of the Department of Law


The Libraries of the  Department of Law are located in different buildings and precisely:

Piaggia dell'Università· Central Building Piaggia dell'Università, 2 - 62100 Macerata
See map

- Law Library (including the libraries of Italian and comparative private and labour law, Civil procedure, Roman law, History, Philosophy of law and Ecclesiastical law, International Law and European Union, European Documentation Centre and the Library of Law Periodicals "Emeroteca giuridica")

tel.: 0733-258.2609 ("Emeroteca Giuridica", Floor - 2) | 0733-258.2860 (Sala M. Dell'Olio, Floor 0).
fax: -

OPENING TIMES Mon-Fri 8.30-19.30
For the loan service contact and consultation at the Reading Room Dell'Olio (level 0).

· representative: Marta DI RUSCIO · tel.: 0733-258.2460 / .5971 · email:
· librarian: Carla CONTI · tel.: 0733-258.2609 · email:
· librarian: Angela Maria ROTOLONI · tel.: 0733-258.2468 · email:


Via Garibaldi· Building Via Garibaldi, 20 - 62100 Macerata
See map

- Library of Criminal Law and Procedure
- Library of Historical Studies*
* for the Sbriccoli Fund, the Barnave Library and the Marsili Feliciangeli Fund
Opening times: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9.00-13.00

tel.: 0733 258.4345 / .4288
fax:0733 258.4344 / .4329

OPENING TIMES Mon-Fri 9.00-13.00 / Tuesday and Thursday 14:30-17:30

· representative: Maria Grazia GRASSI · tel.: 0733-258.4345 · email:


Via don Minzoni· Building Via Don Minzoni, 9 - 62100 Macerata
See map

- Library of the Workshop of Forensic, toxicological Chemistry and Medicine

tel.: 0733-258.2860 (Sala M. Dell'Olio, Floor 0)
email: ;

OPENING TIMES Mon-Fri 8.30-13.30
For the loan service contact and consultation at the Reading Room Dell'Olio (level 0), Law Library (Piaggia dell'Università, 2).

· representative: Marta DI RUSCIO · tel.: 0733-258.2460 / 5971 · email:

*We recommend that you always consult the News section to check for any temporary variations to the times indicated above.



Like all the other library structures of the University of Macerata, the libraries of the Department of Law fall under the University Library System, established with Rectoral Decree no. 1231 dated 4-11-2004, with the aim of supplying academic users with integrated and homogenous services of an elevated level. In this new set-up, the libraries have maintained their own disciplinary peculiarities and their own autonomy from the point of view of management and opening hours.

The department libraries house the following particularly important funds:

Law periodicals archive

The law periodicals archive is a project that is currently being set up. It foresees the creation of a periodicals archive within the spaces of the former central library of the Law building that will house the current and back issue collections of periodicals of certain law libraries so that they may be used directly by users with extended and continuous hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for students and from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. for teachers.

The current reading room of the former central library, in Piaggia dell’Università 2, can house 140 people. On the upper floor with the balcony, there are study spaces reserved for teaching staff.

In the premises of the former printing room on the ground floor a book deposit has been set up with compact shelving that is capable of containing up to 770 linear metres of shelving with an overall capacity of approximately 20,000 volumes.

Inside the consultation room there will be points where users can connect up to the electronic university catalogue (OPAC) as well as a self-service photocopying service available to users with a pre-paid card.

Historical studies library

Marsili Feliciangeli Fund

The part of the fund kept at the former Historical Studies institute mainly houses ancient monographs edited between the XVI and XVIII centuries. These are mostly law related works selected by the owners for precise needs relating to study and work.

Mario Sbriccoli Fund

(approximately 12,000 volumes). Approximately 4,000 volumes of the fund are sources of common law (1400-1789) with a majority of volumes dedicated to criminal law and the doctrine of criminal law specialists as well as law from the XIX and XX centuries, again with an emphasis on criminal law. The remaining volumes, published mostly during the second half of the 1900’s deal with the history of law, law, philosophy and social sciences. There is also a considerable number of historical-juridical magazines. During the course of 2011 the vast ancient Fund found suitable housing in a renewed room that allows for scholars and students to access it more easily and adequately. In January 2011 the inventory and cataloguing of the Fund commenced, and this process is now at an advanced stage, and it may be consulted in part.

Library of excellence of the Antoine Barnave Laboratory

(approximately 8400 volumes). The volumes that are part of the fund deal with constitutional history of the  XVII-XX centuries; there are treatises, books, legislative acts, and pamphlets published in Europe and America that can be traced back to the science of the government, reflections on public powers, the relationship between the government / subjects- citizens, local autonomies. In the Barnave library there are also original editions of texts that are very difficult to come by in other Italian cities and that are very difficult to consult even in Paris, it suffices to recall the complete collection of the “Moniteur universel” from the Revolution to the coming of Louis Philipe d’Orleans to the throne (1789-1830).

Roman law library

Orestano Fund

(approximately 2630 volumes and 8054 extracts). The fund contains law books, including a precious collection of extracts; a considerable portion of the volumes is made up of sources of common law.

Raggi Fund

(approximately 1,321 volumes and 818 extracts). The Luigi Raggi library probably reflects one of the most significant aspects of the personality of its owner, who was not a stranger to any cultural experience: alongside the specifically Romanist books, there are books about poetry, music, literature, art history, and again, essays on the latest news of the time and more recent ones on contemporary thought, from logic to structuralism, to linguistics.

History, Philosophy of Law and Ecclesiastic Law Library

D’Avack Fund

(approximately 2170 volumes). The fund houses full volumes on theology, ecclesiastic and canon law.

There are also several volumes from the 1500, 1600 and 1700s, as well as other folders with miscellaneous items and extracts concerning theology, ecclesiastic and canon law which have only been catalogued in part.

Private law library and Italian and comparative labour law library

Recchi Fund

(563 volumes). The book material of the Recchi Fund consists mostly of monographs, and it is of particular interest for agrarian law, during the last century in particular; it enriches and completes the already rich section of agrarian law housed at the private law library and Italian labour and comparative law library.

Legal and Insurance Medicine Library

Attilio Ascarelli Fund

(322 volumes and with various types of documents). The books deal with medical-legal, criminological and toxicological subjects and the documentary material is that collected during the course of the exhumation and identification of the victims of the Fosse Ardeatine, including some significant documents that Ascarelli found the victims wearing.

For bibliographical searches, we recommend that you consult:

On line OPAC catalogue

Digital library



interlibrary loan:


prestito : interlibrary or external loan

computer www : pc with internet connection

wifi : wi-fi

reference : library reference

Last update Mar 27, 2017